Therapeutic tuning fork - Brain tuner assortment-6 tuning forks


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  • Description

Therapeutic tuning fork – Brain tuner assortment-6 tuning forks


The Brain Tuner set is made up of 6 tuning forks.


Among them, only one, GAMMA, recreates a brain wave in the audible range. It is weighted, looks like the 32 Hz: it is the 40 Hz Gamma tuning fork.




The other 5 tuning forks are unweighted. Although individually they emit audible frequencies, combined in pairs they create infrasonic frequencies, sought for brain waves, by creating them in a heterodyne manner.




Principle of action


The 40 Hz weighted tuning fork reproduces one of the Gamma waves (Gamma waves between 30 and 80 Hz.)

Note: the 32 Hz tuning fork is a Gamma.




For other waves, the tuning forks also reproduce them, thanks to the principle of interference or heterodyne beat, as explained in Emmanuel Comte’s book: The Sound of Vibrations, in chap. 6.


To use the tuning forks of the Brain Tuner set, you will use the Do-C, 256 Hz tuning fork here called “Fundamental” in one hand (engraved with the abbreviated letters “FUND”, at the base of the tuning fork) and in the other hand, in the same way as when applying C&G tuning forks, the ALPHA 266 Hz tuning fork.




It will be activated at the same time as the FUND 256 Hz, and approached simultaneously to the other ear, thus creating a sort of buzzing, having a frequency of 10 Hz, by combination of the 2 frequencies 266 and 256 Hz (266 – 256 Hz = 10 Hz), as explained above.

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